Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photography Passion Church: Creation

Ethos Photography Passion Church Assignment #1: Creation

For this first assignment, our church was asked to meditate upon the following verses:

As I sat in my den, reflecting upon these words, a torrential rainstorm snuck up outside my sliding glass door. I took a moment to pause, walk outside, and listen to the monsoon, when like lightning, inspiration struck! I quickly ran back to my room and popped a roll of 35mm film into my Minolta. As I removed the lens cap and unscrewed my polarizing filter, I took a gaze at my desk. Resting atop my place of work was my life pot, a glazed piece of pottery I painting in summer of '09. So I picked up the life pot, snagged my camera, and got to work. By this point, the heavy rain had saturated our hanging tomato plants, so water was cascading from the suspended pots. I instinctively knew I wanted to capture the falling water, so I placed the small life pot on my balcony rail and began looking around for shot ideas. Much to my delight, the large tree overlooking our balcony volunteered itself to be the perfect viridian background. I framed the shot, played with the focus, and adjusted my aperture to create a shallow depth of field. The rest was 35mm magic.

Sometimes we find it easiest to focus on what's directly in front of us, but in doing so, we can miss out on the full scale of God's beautiful creation.

The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

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